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September 23, 2020 | April 21, 2021 | 11,604 total views

The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) and Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) have developed a temporary waiver that:

  1. Enables case managers to sign housing forms on behalf of their clients
  2. Allows clients to submit applications without ID or SSN cards. 

See below for the webinar sign up, housing authorities waiver forms, and an FAQ.

LACDA-HACLA Designation of Authorized Signatory Webinar

When: Tuesday Sept 29 2PM-3:30PM

Speakers: Ryan Mulligan-Assistant Director, Section 8 Department- Special Programs (HACLA) and Maureen Fabricante-Assistant Manager of the Housing Assistance Division (LACDA)

Topics: Review of the waiver, Frequently Asked Questions, Q&A

Sign up here. Can't attend? We'll be sending out the recording!

Forms and FAQ

LACDA and HACLA Statement Regarding Designation of Authorized Signatory

LACDA and HACLA developed the attached Designated Authorization Form that will give program applicants the option of designating a Community Based Organization or other service provider to complete, submit and/or sign application forms on behalf of the applicant.

This form may be used only during the COVID-19 pandemic for the LACDA’s homeless programs including the Continuum of Care (CoC), Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Project Based Voucher (for homeless populations), and Mainstream programs. 

A few highlights of this form include the following:
Service providers may use this form to certify that they have assisted applicants in filing for picture IDs and Social Security cards
Service providers will need to obtain and submit a picture ID and Social Security cards within 90 days of client move-in, but no later than the first housing annual review (reexamination). Failure to do so is grounds for termination of housing assistance.
Applicants can give verbal, email or written authorization for their service provider to complete and sign all application paperwork

However, at the time of the first housing annual review (reexamination), service providers will need to assist clients complete, sign and submit paperwork with client’s signatures. 

We are excited to roll out this form and truly hope it will help make the application process easier for homeless clients.