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April 20, 2020 | July 29, 2021 | 131,927 total views

Project Roomkey is a coordinated effort to secure hotel and motel rooms in LA County as temporary shelters for people experiencing homelessness who are at high-risk for hospitalization if they contract Coronavirus (COVID-19). High-risk includes seniors 65+ and/or those suffering from chronic illness.


Project Roomkey FAQ


To get help

People are being placed in Project Roomkey rooms by service providers who assess them first to ensure they qualify for the program. For more information about who qualifies, click here

If you're looking for help and are not yet in touch with an outreach worker or case manager, you can find information about how to get help here.


For providers

LAHSA's Project Roomkey Interim Housing Program Policies and Procedures

In March 2020, the County and City of Los Angeles declared a public health emergency related to Coronavirus (COVID-19). To combat the spread of COVID-19 and address the needs of the most vulnerable individuals in the community, local leaders created a hotel/motel program to provide temporary housing for asymptomatic people experiencing homelessness (PEH) who are most at-risk of contracting COVID-19. High-risk includes individuals 65+ or who have certain underlying health conditions (e.g., respiratory compromised immunities, chronic disease).

LAHSA is working with key partners to prevent potential COVID-19 infections among a symptomatic PEH through a Tier1 Non-Congregate Interim Housing Program (“Project Roomkey”).The Project Roomkey Interim Housing (PRK-IH) Program seeks to provide highly vulnerable asymptomatic PEH with emergency temporary housing throughout Los Angeles County who are at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19 infection.

Each PRK-IH site will provide supportive services, onsite supervision and three (3) meals per day to participants in a hotel/motel setting. Contracted licensed security, healthcare services and City of Los Angeles and/or County of Los Angeles Disaster Service Workers (DSW) will provide support to the homeless service provider, while ensuring all participants and staff are in an environment that strives to meet the needs of the Safer at Home executive order issued by the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles and the State of California.