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August 02, 2019 | August 23, 2019 | 11,772 total views

The host home program is a short-term housing option that provides a safe living environment and client-driven supportive services to youth 18-24 who have experienced homelessness.

Each youth enrolled in the program is matched with a community host (LA resident) and lives in a room or shared room in the host’s home (owned or rented). Hosts also live in the home. Youth may remain in the program for up to six months.

While participating in the program, youth receive supportive services to help them meet goals related to employment and education, social and emotional well-being, stable housing, and other areas. Hosts receive training and ongoing coaching, including support with crisis intervention. Rent and utilities are provided free of charge to all youth. Hosts may receive a maximum monthly stipend of $500.

Host Home Program Services:

  • 24-hour residence for up to six months
  • intake, assessment, and problem solving screening
  • mental/behavioral health
  • life skills services (outside of case management)
  • crisis intervention
  • education/employment assistance
  • housing-focused case management
  • private room or shared room with other participant

To learn more about a specific host home program, please reach out directly to LAHSA-funded host home operators: Safe Place For Youth, Jovenes Inc., Valley Oasis, and Los Angeles LGBT Center.

For general information on host homes, or if you know someone interested in becoming a host, please reach out to communications@lahsa.org or call LAHSA at (213) 683-3333.