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Revised: 2017 Homeless Count Results

June 14, 2017 | August 20, 2018 | 12,928 total views

Data Summaries

Los Angeles City Council

Supervisorial District

Service Planning Area (SPA)


Youth Data Summaries by Service Planning Area (SPA)

Data Release Update Notice


Each year the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development conducts a thorough review of local Point-in-Time(PIT) Count and Housing Inventory Chart(HIC) submissions from local Continuums of Care (CoCs). The review occasionally results in minor changes to official PIT or HIC submissions to HUD.

In reviewing the LA CoC submission, HUD required that LAHSA modify the records of three project line items in the HIC. These changes resulted in modifications to the demographic tables in the LA CoC PIT submission. They are well within the margin of error for the respective characteristics and do not reflect a substantive change to the PIT estimates previously released. For reference, the final HUD-approved PIT submission is provided above under HUD Submission.

 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count - Los Angeles County and Continuum of Care
  • All housing placement slides are changed to bar charts. (Slides 22,32, 35, 38)
  • Homeless Count dates from 24th-26th to 23rd-25th (Slide 60)
  • Youth Count numbers (An error caused the total to be four less than the reported total)
  • Total Youth: now 5,979 (previously 5,983) - Slide 36
  • Total unsheltered young family members: 306 (previously 302) - Slide 37