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The CES Policy Council

December 08, 2017 | August 22, 2024 | 30,019 total views

The Los Angeles County Coordinated Entry System (LA County CES) facilitates the coordination and management of resources and services throughout the crisis response system. LA County CES works to equitably connect people experiencing homelessness in the community to available housing and supportive services. The CES Policy Council is the governing body that ensures consistency and quality by guiding strategic policy development, supporting implementation through alignment of practice and resources, and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the system.

The CES Policy Council was established in response to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) mandate that Continuums of Care (CoC) document standard policies and procedures for their Coordinated Entry System. Additionally, the CES Policy Council was established based on local recognition that, for the large and complex Los Angeles region, truly moving the needle on ending homelessness requires proactive alignment of principles across the entire region which includes many jurisdictions (four CoCs and 88 cities) and funders (federal, state, local, and philanthropic).

Please view the CES Policy Council Overview for additional information. 

Membership and Meetings
The CES Policy Council is comprised of members who have knowledge of resources and system decision points, including service providers across all populations (families with children, adults, and youth), County health agencies, City and County housing authorities, persons with lived experience of homelessness, and the philanthropy community (click here for the full membership roster). The CES Policy Council typically meets on the fourth Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at LAHSA's downtown Los Angeles office (637 Wilshire Blvd.) and are also currently available via telephone/videoconference. Materials are available electronically and posted at LAHSA. For further information, the public may call 213-683-3333.

CES Policy Council Bylaws
The operations and governance of the CES Policy Council are guided by a set of bylaws. These bylaws outline the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of Council members, the structure and procedures for meetings, and the process for decision-making within the Council. The bylaws ensure that the Council functions efficiently and transparently, with a focus on effectively addressing homelessness across all populations served. The bylaws also include provisions for public participation, ensuring that community input is a fundamental part of the decision-making process. (Click here for the CES Policy Council Bylaws)

Scope of Policy Development
The broad topics for priority policy development include the Core Elements of Coordinated Entry, as defined by HUD: Access, Assessment, Prioritization, and Referral (Matching). 

The CES Policy Council receives and responds to community input to refine policy and recommend system improvements as needed. As a standard practice, the CES Policy Council only reviews policies and procedures that the public has had an opportunity to review through public comment.

Policy Status
See below for a complete list of CES policies that have been approved, are out for public comment, or are still in development.


CES Policies Summary Status Date Approved

Access Policy 

Requires that the LA County CES will operate in a manner that promotes fair and open access to all available housing and services within CES. 


October 26, 2022 

Assessment Policy 

Requires all LA County CES service providers follow a standardized assessment process. 


October 26, 2022 

Prioritization and Matching Policy for the Los Angeles Coordinated Entry System 

Establishes basic principles for the prioritization and matching of households experiencing homelessness to relevant and available housing resources and services in the Los Angeles Coordinated Entry System (LA CES). The principles set forth in this policy will serve as the basis for all prioritization and matching activities, as elaborated in subsequent guidance. 


May 25, 2022  

CES Planning Policies Summary Status Date Approved

Affirmative Marketing Policy 

Requires LA County CES to affirmatively market housing and supportive services to all eligible persons. 


August 23, 2017 

Nondiscrimination Policy 

Establishes that CES shall market to and serve all eligible persons to promote every individual's full and complete participation in CES. 


August 23, 2017 

Evaluation Policy 

Requires quarterly reviews and an annual full evaluation of the Coordinated Entry System. 


September 26, 2018 

CES Interim Policies Summary Status Date Approved

Interim Coordinated Entry System Policy: Emergency Housing Voucher 

Establishes interim standards and principles for the referral of a household to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) Program. 


June 23 & September 29, 2021; January 26, April 5, June 8, 2022 

CES Archived Policies Summary Status Date Approved

ARCHIVED: Interim Coordinated Entry System Policy: COVID-19 CES Prioritization – Revised 

Establishes an interim policy for matching and prioritization which takes COVID-19 vulnerability into account. 


May 27 & August 26, 2020; February 24 & July 28, 2021; January 26, 2022 

ARCHIVED: Guiding Principles 

Establishes a set of guiding principles and practices for the Coordinated Entry System (CES) service providers and system partners centered around respect, accountability, consistency, and integration. 


August 23, 2017 

ARCHIVED: Matching Principles 

Lays out eight principles for the matching system that outline a set of commitments to frame the operationalization of matching as procedures are developed and implemented. All of the principles touch on frameworks that are used or highlighted in other policies and guidance that came later, including emphasizing choice, using acuity scores and moving quickly to establish matches. The principles also reference other policies. 


 August 22, 2018   

ARCHIVED: Matching Policy 

Outlines various policies that guide matching efforts, including a broad overview of matching via CES, when a match can be declined, how the non-discrimination policy applies to matching, a brief mention of the interim housing exception, a lightly detailed outline of how CES will match various populations to permanent housing resources, matching to transitional housing resources for youth, a statement on participant choice, and matching participants with disabilities to fully accessible units. 


April 26, 2018; May 23, 2018 

ARCHIVED: Prioritization Policy 

Outlines various policies on prioritization within the CES, including the nondiscrimination policy pulled from a more in-depth policy, a brief paragraph on interim housing exceptions, another on determining interventions that is very general and a final broad overview of prioritization.  


 May 23, 2018