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Homelessness is one of the biggest issues facing Los Angeles County

How to Get involved

Follow Everyone In

Everyone-In is a campaign focused on ending homelessness across Los Angeles County. With the passage of Measure H and Proposition HHH, we have the opportunity to make significant strides in the effort to end homelessness, but we need everyone in.


If you see someone experiencing homelessness you can make an outreach request through the Los Angeles County Homeless Outreach Portal at LA-HOP.org. An outreach team will then connect with the individual and offer access to services.

Community Meetings

LAHSA holds quarterly Community Information Sessions on Homelessness to inform the public on the current state of homelessness and ways to get involved. Check out our events page for upcoming sessions as well as other meetings open to the public.

Job Opportunities

Join the fight to end homelessness in Los Angeles County. Due to the passage of Measure H, there are hundreds of positions available in the homeless services field.

Lived Experience
Advisory Board

To provide advice and counsel to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and its partners in support of efforts that strive to end homelessness, as well as to ensure that the unique voice of those with the lived experience of homelessness is incorporated throughout the Los Angeles homeless crisis response system.

Homeless Youth
Forum of
Los Angeles

HYFLA works to end youth homelessness in Los Angeles County by centering the voices of youth with lived expertise in decision-making on program development, funding, policy making, and program and system performance evaluation.

Contact your representative

One of the most effective ways you can help someone experiencing homelessness is by contacting your councilmember, supervisor, legislator, or congressperson. Let them know you want housing and shelter in your neighborhood.



Contact your local homeless service provider for information on volunteering and donating towards ending homelessness

CES Leads
LA Mayor
LA Works

Support Crisis-Housing Resources

If you’re interested in supporting LAHSA’s efforts to enhance Crisis Housing resources in your community, we encourage you to complete our interest form to get started. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in addressing homelessness and creating pathways to stability.

If you’re interested in supporting LAHSA’s efforts to enhance Crisis Housing resources in your community, we encourage you to complete our interest form to get started. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in addressing homelessness and creating pathways to stability.

Learn More