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How do I access an Emergency Shelter?


Find a Shelter

Click on the Active Shelter Locations buttion on the left to find a shelter.


Call to Check Availability

From any phone, dial 2-1-1 or 1-800-548-6047, to be referred to a shelter location closest to you, by pressing 4 for English. 211-LA-County will ensure there is a bed available prior to the referral. There are a limited number of beds at each site.


Pack your Bags

All shelters have a two (2) bag restriction. Anything more will not be allowed on the site.


Find Transport

You can go directly to the shelter location.

People in need of transportation to an Emergency Shelter site should go to 211la.org and use the chat feature to request a ride.

* The Emergency Response Program is comprised of several interventions including the Inclement Weather Program and Augmented Winter Shelter Program.