System Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
System KPI Dashboard

System Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements that help us understand how well our services are working across the system. They show important details about the people we help and how they use our homelessness services. Our dashboard shows this information for the past few years and breaks it down into three main program areas: Street Outreach, Interim Housing, and Time-Limited Subsidies. The data comes from the Los Angeles, Glendale, and Pasadena Continuums of Care (CoCs) and includes more than just LAHSA administered programs.
Updated: Quarterly
Programmatic Key Performance Indicators (pKPIs)
Fiscal Year 24-25 pKPIs

The Program Key Performance Indicator Dashboard provides detailed insight into the exact metrics all LAHSA-funded programs are evaluated on and how each of our funded programs are performing during Fiscal Year 24-25. Please note that the Program KPI dashboard reports on performance metrics at the program level, which are not to be confused with the System KPI dashboard, which provides data on system-level metrics.
Updated: Monthly
Program Overview Dashboards
Interim Housing Dashboard

LAHSA funds over 16,000 shelter beds across Los Angeles City & County. Covering data from the current and previous five fiscal years, this dashboard provides a primer on our Interim Housing programs as well as other non-LAHSA funded interim Housing. The dashboard looks at current participation in these programs as well as data on entries and exits from these programs by fiscal year.
Updated: Monthly
Street Outreach Dashboard

Street Outreach is the primary route through which people experiencing homelessness access the homeless services system. Covering data for a rolling 18 months, this dashboard provides a primer on the Los Angeles Continuum of Care’s’ street outreach programs and the services conducted in each program.
Updated: Monthly
Encampment Resolution
City and County Encampment Resolution Efforts
Both the City and County of Los Angeles, in partnership with LAHSA and local providers, are leading significant encampment resolution initiatives: Inside Safe within the City of Los Angeles and Pathway Home within the County. These multi-departmental collaborative efforts focus on bringing people inside from tents and encampments, helping them receive the supportive services they need to achieve housing stability and ultimately move into permanent housing, while also preventing encampments from returning.
These dashboards report on operations conducted and participants served to date.
Updated: Inside Safe: Monthly; Pathway Home: Live, by the County, with a 72-96 hour delay.
Inside Safe

Pathway Home

Homeless Count
Homeless Count 2024 Overview

Each year, LAHSA conducts the Greater Los Angeles Point-in-Time Count to get an estimate of how many people are experiencing homelessness on a given night. Our Homeless Count Overview Dashboard shows the overall results for the LA Continuum of Care, and the County and City of LA for the 2024 Count.
Updated: Anually
Homeless Count Local Data

Our Local Data Dashboard shows the actual, raw count of individuals experiencing homelessness (sheltered and unsheltered) and dwellings (like RVs and tents) as directly reported by volunteer counters from the 2023 and 2024 Homeless Counts. Estimates of the number of people living in dwellings are not included. Details for various areas are available, such as City Council Districts, Neighborhood Councils, and cities in LA County.
Released: Anually