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LAHSA Commission

LAHSA is governed by an appointed, 10-member Commission. The LAHSA Commission has the authority to make budgetary, funding, planning and program policies. The Commission regularly meets every 4th Friday of the month at 9:00 am (except November and December – meets the 3rd Friday).

County Members
Confirmed by LA County Board of Supervisors

Katie Hill

Katie Hill

Appointed by Hilda L. Solis

Yasmine McMorrin

Yasmine-Imani McMorrin

Appointed by Supervisor Mitchell

Amy Perkins

Amy Perkins

Appointed by Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath

Amber Sheikh

Amber Sheikh

Appointed by Supervisor Janice Hahn

Justin Szlasa

Justin Szlasa

Appointed by Supervisor Kathryn Barger

City Members
Confirmed by LA City Council

Wendy Greuel

Wendy Greuel

Appointed by Mayor Garcetti

Karen Bass

Mayor Karen Bass

Appointed by Mayor Bass

Stephanie Graves

Stephanie Graves

Appointed by Mayor Bass

Tanisha Saunders

Tanisha Saunders

Appointed by Mayor Bass



Committee Meetings

Commission and Committee meetings are open to the public, and we encourage public attendance and participation. Twenty minutes of each Commission meeting are reserved for testimony by the public, and each speaker is allowed two minutes. Speakers may address any topic not on the agenda. A "Request to Speak" form must be filled out and submitted to the secretary prior to the beginning of the public participation period.

Special Accommodations

Upon request, sign language interpreters, materials in alternative formats, and other accomodations are available to the public for LAHSA meetings. Requests for reasonable accommodations must be made at least three working days (72 hours) before the scheduled meeting time.

Click on an event to view agenda, location, and other details.


View all past agenda items in our document library

All Agendas